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psychoceramics: interesting spam I got: Fire Ritual to call on the Fire Queen

Fire Ritual to call on the Fire Queen

Ritual of the Portal for Personal and Planetary

Ritual of the Great Stone Portals
Externsteine, Germany; Stonehenge, England; Anund's
Hill, Sweden 
June 11, 1998, Thursday night, 8:30p EST 
June 18, 1998, Thursday night, 8:30p EST 
June 21, 1998, Summer Solstice, Sunday, 10:00a EST 

Here is tonight's ritual, and we will be performing a
fire ritual one more time on the Summer Solstice.   
Also, more information will be coming your way about 
these portal places we are connecting.  We have
added Anund's Hill, Sweden, where about 100 people 
will be performing ceremonies over a 24 hour period 
and will be connecting with us in Ritual of the Portal.

For now, just set up your portals intuitively, and if
you need more specific suggestions about how to do it, 
you can follow the links on Portal Pages on my web 
site (go into Ritual of the Portal section) and
see what has been done in the past and what worked in
the past.  Use plenty of candles with this ritual.  
Let's give this all the energy we have available for 
such purposes as opening home portals, inner world
doorways into the expanded Self, and for opening 
these great stone portals.

While we are performing the ritual at our level of
beingness, it will be performed each time by spirit 
at spirit's level of attraction to us.  We hope you 
enjoy this ritual as much as we have enjoyed
conceiving it.  My guides and I wish you the best of 
luck in this, and here's hoping spirit comes to visit 
you during the ritual and becomes known to you and 
known by you.  Amen

Fire Ritual to call on the Fire Queen

We are the people who call upon you, great Fire Queen.
We are the ones who want to know you, Fire Queen.
We would like for you to visit us now, fiery one.
We want you to work with us tonight in power and light.

Dearest Ones, I hear your call and invite you all to my
realm below.
I live in the middle of the planet, near the Equator
poles, lonely and windy.
I love to hear you call my name, for it ignites my fire
and causes me to glow.
Be my guides tonight on the face of the planet, and
let's do ritual tonight and today.

Dear Fire Queen, do you hear us when we call your name?
We are with you in spirit all the time, day and night,
as well.
We want you to speed to us your divine light from
We want you to ignite our portals with your fiery eyes
and breath. Can you hear us?

Yes, I can hear you, my lovely ones, I hear you well,
Yes, I will light your portals with my fiery eyes and
I want you to know I am aware of you all day and night,
through all time.
I have seen so many of you come and go, I have learned
something of you.

What have you learned of us great Fire Queen, what is
your story of us?
We wish to hear it now, will you tell us your story of
We wonder if you can remember those old days long ago
when we called you?
Do you remember us, fiery queen, from those solstice
days long ago?

Yes, indeed, I do, I recall you well, you people of the
planet above me.
You walk around on top of the Earth, you beautiful
beings, I know you well.
You call upon me at solstice times, or at least you
should if you only knew me.
I will come to you anytime you call, you beautiful
beings of planetary love.

Fire Queen, will you tell us your story of us, we wish
to hear it, long and well.
We tell you our dreams, don't we?  We tell you our
desires, don't we?
How do you hear us if we do not speak to you directly?
How, please tell us?
How do you hear us when we forget to call upon you,
tell us how?

Dear Ones of mine, I hear you through my wishing wells
and my fiery flames and fires.
I hear you through my own dark nights, when fire lights
up your sky, I hear you.
I hear you when you appeal to me whenever you think to
ask of me a question.
I hear you when you laugh and talk, at night around the
old camp fires, I hear you.

Here is my story of you, beautiful people of the planet
above me.  Here is my story of you.
I wander through the heavens sometimes and look down
upon you, as well. I travel the skies.
I see you there below, struggling sometimes and playing
somtimes, my story of you is this.
You are a fine species of being, a fine group of
children, I love you all.  Be not unhappy, I love you 

My story of you is one of life and laughter, tears and
love.  My story of you is one of hope.
My story of you is one of promise and loving, my story
of you is one of sheer endurance.
My story of you is one of life and living, my story of
you is one of laughing and joy.
Be at peace, my loves, you will prevail.  Be at peace,
my loves, you will ascend.
Now help me find my Fire King, and bring us together
through all of yourselves.

There is one above you who seeks your tears and your
love.  He is the one I love, as well.
He is the Fire King, I miss him so.  He is the one I
desire so much.  He is my husband-man.
I miss him so much, can you help me now?  You are my
children, be well and be happy.
Unite us, that husband-man of mine, unite us, that man
I love so much, the Fire King.

We will unite you, our great Fire Queen.  We will unite
you with that husband-man of yours.
On the summer solstice you will be as one, never worry.
On solstice day you will be as one.
Fire Queen, prepare yourself in your beautiful veils
and your white, fiery dress.
Fire Queen, be ready to marry that husand-man of yours
on summer solstice day.

The ritual is over.  Just sit back and relax and enjoy
the encounter with the beautiful Fire Queen.  Be sure 
to join in for the finale ritual on Sunday, June 21st, 
at 10:00a EST. Please email me your ritual results as
soon as you can.

Love to you all,

Claire Watson
Shield Guide
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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