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Re: psychoceramics: bride for christ

> Ooh!  Please post the entire thing (or be ready to mail me a photocopy).

I could snail it to you if you want, but really it is quite boring except
for that one strange paragraph.  It is rather banal as tracts go; it isn't
like a Jack Chick masterwork or anything.  The only reason I made it that
far was the funny geometric thing on the cover, with "past", "present",
"now", and "future" all inside little arcs with a few pyramids.

I went back and asked the guy about that Christ Bride thing, and he said
something about how the Bride wasn't a single female but instead symbolized
144,000 people who were pure enough to become Christ's personal toadies
during the rapture.  I think he made it up as he went along.

This was at a little booth at a street fair.  Just as I left his booth
(after refusing to buy their books), another guy just walked up and started 
screaming at them.  There's nothing better than two ranters going at it.
His main thrust, mostly true, was that christians (represented in his mind
by the two manning the booth) came to america and killed off the native
american indians, which he was partly descended from.  He yelled that 
christians were the biggest gangsters of all time, and went and killed
the cambodians and vietnamese and others for being communists rather than
christians.  Besides his screaming pitch, the other interesting feature of
his discourse was his constant use of anal sex imagery in at least
every other sentence.  "You assholes came here and fucked the Indians up
the ass!  You gave them a choice, Jesus or death!  Well let me tell you
something:  fuck your virgin Mary up the ass!"  Finally it looked like he
was all ranted out, and he walked away.  One of the guys in the booth 
called after him:  "May god forgive you!"  Upon hearing this, the guy
came back and resumed shrieking various commands involving their rectums.

Other booths included various militant socialists, people giving away
retired racing greyhounds, pro- and anti-abortionists, nudists, 
anti-circumcision crusaders, feminists, and religions of all flavors.  
Some mischievous fair planner had placed the most conservative church
group right next to the militant gays with no wall between them, but
they were trying their best to ignore each other.  I picked up a pile
of various "light and sound of god" brochures from the Eckankar booth,
"answers to your questions about your young son's intact penis" from the
circumcision people, "yeshua (jesus) made me kosher" from Jews for Jesus,
brochures full of naked people from the nudists, and other items.
Somehow the scientologists didn't make it this year.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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