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psychoceramics: More skullduggery....

From:         JABR33 <j--@W--ORLDNET.ATT.NET>  
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Subject:      Re: [CTRL] Fw:      Re: [CTRL] Opium Tribes
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                                                         -Caveat Lector-

I have another take on how people get to be drug addicts and I don't 
consider it a pretty proposition.  I believe a great many of them become 
this way after being nonconsensually and repeatedly drugged by intel 
agents and pimps who want to co-opt, own, thoroughly control and manage 
a harem for rent.  I do believe that people today, not just drug dealers 
in fact, are forcing others to be addicts. 
I had a similar experience, I have lived with four years of 
non-consensual druggings by crime syndicates in my local areas.  They 
are using DART GUNS IN PUBLIC on innocent people who are targeted.  They 
even use hallucinogens.  Who isn't to say that the drugs they are using 
are not even narcotics, but drugs which MAKE PEOPLE CRAVE DRUGS or 
alcohol?  Not beyond possibility.  I know this is awful to say,
but I was saving urine, freezing it, hoping to get an honest doctor to 
test it -- it was OBVIOUSLY drugged urine, cloudy.  No, I wasn't sick 
otherwise.  I handed obviously poisoned urine to three doctors, we even 
DISCUSSED THE looks of this urine when the feds were using forced 
injections on me when I was working for them in 1994.  ALL samples came 
back "contaminated" -- no results, mind you, just
"contaminated."  NICE!!!  And, I was handling daily, hallucinogens, 
probably from forced LSD trips.  Think it can't be happening now?  You 
are wrong, dead wrong.
It is a very, very real situation. And they are probably using a lot 
heavier stuff on me too -- from time to time.  I was in a hallucinogenic 
stupor last summer that lasted weeks and weeks -- now I believe it was 
BZ or something like that.  Just vicious, it drove me out of my home, 
onto the road in trips, like Keroac.  This stuff is still going on in 
this country, guys.  And, after watching
a lot of old friends wind up drugged, I now believe that the feds do 
orchestrate addictions to discredit people.   They can also orchestrate, 
through forced druggings, fat-ness.  They have a wide variety of 
harassment injection samples to choose from.  They can hit you from four 
feet away.  Ever felt something sort of whap your head?  Felt your head 
with your hand and it was wet?  Maybe they were
just a little too far away from you to get it injected right.  And, 
usually their injections are very minute quantities of VERY intense 
drugs.  Including arsenic (my lab result was it was added to my orange 
juice).  They also use routinely use drugs which cause bladder 
infections and virus', this is my personal experience
.  They use powdered sneezing chemicals, if you suddenly have a bad 
sneezing fit.
Most of this is detailed in J. Marks' book and nowhere else that I know 
of which is why I did the post including the Marks' weaponry quotes a 
while back.  Again, I never put it past someone's addictions now that 
they are actually the result of an entirely different scenario -- either 
forced addictions through nonconsensual druggings or the result of extra 
body vibrations from EMF assaults in their
residence or implants.  Judith

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