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Re: psychoceramics: Organ harvesting not a myth after all!

>This sounds like the account from the "Creole mind control" post, 
>by "Judith".  Of course, it is possible that there are TWO victims 
>of the same conspiracy, with similar writing styles, on CTRL.
> -- acb

heh, maybe a multiple personailty victim? 

Are you going to the Multiverse Sci-Fi con? Im running a stand fr that  
sci-fi club in Kew. Im also open to ideas for theme nights like CCGs, 
RPGs, poker, pizza, dirty jokes, anything to get people to turn up 

Im definately going to do a mind-control victims night sometime this 
year, Ill put a notie in nexus in the next issue or the one after.

Anyone in Melbourne, Australia interested can email me for details. We 
meet on the first Thursday of the month.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com