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psychoceramics: Emil called "Racovita" Foretells The Future

Here's a letter that I found as I was cleaning the place today.
It's from one Emil called "Racovita".  It was written to a Colorado
State Representative about 2 years ago.  I got a copy because I knew
a State Budget Office secretary.  She xeroxed a copy of a particularly
looney letter that one of the State Reps received and passed around.

In the following reproduction of Emil's 3 pager, we find that the
Constitution is the 10 Commandments of the United States of America
Government religion.  We also learn God doesn't have a religion, he
has a KINGDOM.  Also, the USA appears to be doomed to be "destroied
in not long than five years but in short than four years."

Since Emil wrote this in 1993, that puts the destroiction of the US
somewhere between 1997 and 1998.

Luckily, Emil The worker of God the Creator in God the Father Christ
wrote in a mono-spaced font, because he sure did punctuate and spell
in a singular manner.  I've tried to recreate Emil's orthographic
stylings, but if it makes too much sense, then I've made some un-

As near as I can tell Emil called "Racovita" was a Romanian immigrant
who's spent 1989 to 1993 in and out of State Hospitals and jails.
Apparently he also watched all of the Christian Tee Vee networks
available in Denver during that period.   He was totally confused about
religions, governments, constitutions, bibles, priests and elected

            Brother Frederic K.C.Price

   I,Emil called "Racovita",the worker of God the Creator in God the Father
Christ,and the Disciple of God the Father Christ,and the seed of Neculae,of
Costica called "Costica Radu",of Radu,of Ireasc,of Gohor,of Tanase,of Birlad,
of Radu from Adam who was called "Racovita",of Scyth,of Shem,of Noah,of Enoch,
of Seth,of Adam,have to write to you after I saw and heared your explanations
before your people at INSP (The Inspirational Network) Tv station what was at
8:00 PM 03-December-1993.
   In your explanations,what you gave to your people you told:"The Ten Com-
mandments are only a part of the law","The Law Is Not For Christians","The
Cristians Have One Law. The Law of Love."
   Brother Frederic,you don't know what are the Ten Commandments.
   I ask you this : God have a Religion or_God_have_a_KINGDOM ?
   I can tell you don't know what God have,because you tell the Ten Command-
ments is a part of the LAW,and in same time I can understand how you do not
studied in your life the Testament of Christ.
   Now,Brother Frederic,take and read and study what is write in evangelies
of Mathew 6.33; Luke 12.31.
   What is write,brother Frederic ?
   God do not have a KINGDOM ?
   Do you found God's Kingdom or you found the Kingdom of the United States of
America ?
   Then,Brother Frederic,what are the Ten Commandments in God's Kingdom ?-not
   What is a Constitution,brother Frederic ?
   The Constitution is the basic power of a Kingdom from where are formed the
LAWS. For that you have to know those Ten Commandments are the CONSTITUTION
in God's Kingdom,from where are formed the laws in God's Kingdom
   You tell you teach your people about God,but you don't know what God,becau-
se you do not found God's Kingdom like Christ told for you to do,but you found
the Kingdom of United States of America, because you toled "The Law Is Not For
   Here I can understand perfect how you do not studied or study the Testament
of Christ,what you call wrong "Bible",plus I can understand how you use the
name of God and God's words for your profits and for your pleasures.
   Take and read what is write in evangelie of Matthew 5.17.
   I will copy from a King James version of Christ's Testament,and is this
         Matt.5.17. Think not that I am come to destroy
                   the law,or the prophets:I am not come
                   to destroy,but to fulfill.

   This Christ told with His own mouth when was upon this earth and had the
name "Jesus"
   When Christ Him self told "I do not come to destroy the law or the prophets
,why you teach the men and the women to desobey God's laws ?!
   What Christian do you are when you desobey and destroy what Christ told ?
   Plus,brother Frederic,Christ told "...I am not come to destroy, BUT TO
   What mean,brother Frederic,the word "FULFIL" ?
   Do you looked in a dictionary to see and to understand?
   If you will read you will find_Fulfil_ mean to_COMPLETE_something
What mean Christ do not come to destroy the laws and the Commandments what the
man have to obey before God,but Him come to give more laws and more command-
ments in God's Kingdom.
   Then,brother Frederic,how do you tell to the people for do not obey the
laws and the Commandments what God gave to man and to woman to obey upon this
earth ?
   I tell why.
   Because you do not found God's Kingdom and you do not fight with the word
of truth for God's Kingdom,but you fight for United States of America,for
capitalism and for your pleasures,teaching the man to desobey God's laws for
the man can take Satan's way.
   For that today on this land what you call United States of America are
vandalisms,are crimes,etc,and United States of America Government do not
studied what God's words tell and what you the priests tell,for what United
States of America Government will be destroied in not long than five years but
in short than four years,and in that time United States of America Government
will know who protected and who helped
   For you know,brother Frederic,a real Christian obey in full what Christ
told,for that is called "CHRISTIAN",and the Christianity is a Kingdom,what
the KING IS CHRIST,not William J.Clinton what you glorify President,and who
with his disciples police and witchis forcethe man to desobey God's Laws.
   You cannot tell William J.Clinton do not force a man to desobey God's laws
because I personal was throwed for four times in State Hospitals and for 13
tiems in jail in period of April 1989 to the present 04-December-1993,and I
will have to go more,but I will obey and fight only for God's Kingdom with
no matter of what you will do to my body
   What in this period,brother Frederic,you had letters from me.Last one what
I send to you was in night of 03-December-1993,what was a copy of what I wrote
to brother Rodney L.Parsley from Columbus,Ohio.
   For that,brother Frederic,a Christian do not obey the laws of United States
of America,or or Romania,or of China,etc,but a Christian obey in full all the
commandments,the laws and the teachings of Christ,for that is called Christian
   What you must understood what Christ told and is write in evangelie of
Matthew 22.37,39,39,40.
   How do you love God when you desobey God's Commandments,God's Laws,God's
teachings,and how you love God when you destroy His Creations for your crea-
tions ??
   That who desobey the laws of United States of America and destroy what
United States of America created,love United States of America ?
   What,in your explanations,you readed from evangelie 1Timothy 1.8,9,what
you told "The law is for siners",what that is true.
   But,why the law is not for the righteous man ?
   I ask you.
   Every man from United States of America go in jails and prisons ?
   Very sure you will answer "NOT"
   WHY ?!
   Because a righteous man obey in full the commandments and do what the tea-
chings tell,for that a righteous man do not go in HELL,jail or prison in a
   I,because obey God's laws am throwed in State Hospitals because your wit-
ches,what you call doctor,physician,tell I have delusions
   That is,brother Frederic, a man who want and love to obey God's Laws have
delusions ??
   In a country what tell "In God We Trust",a man who come to obey God's laws
have delusions ? For that United States of America Government will be destro-
ied,not with bombs,not with guns, but with power from God the creator and from
God the Father Christ.
   Being righteous before God you obey in full all the commandments and all
the teachings of God,not of United States of America or of Romania.
   Because United States of America Government force a man to desobey God's
commandments,laws and teachings,will be destroied in not long than five years
but in short than four years.
   Then you told "The Christians have one law.The law of love"
   What is the "Law of Love",brother Frederic?-because you do not explane to
your people.
   Do you explaned to your people what mean "LOVE"?
   NOT,because your people don't know what to do in this life for be protected
by God,but your people do what is Satanic.
   For that,brother Frederic,I the worker of God the Creator in God the Father
Christ,have to write to you the judgement what is for you and your seed,what
is Hell,and suffer all the illnesses what will be upon this earth till in the
end of Great Trebulation.
   Plus,you have to come with all your seed before God's judge in second day
when him come upon this earth to judge the man,having with you all the money
what you colected in this life from people using the word of God,to have li-
cense of building that synagogue what you call "Church",and the license must
be signed and sealed by God the Creator,by God the Father Christ,and by your
borhter Jesus Christ,because God do not permit to you and is write in evange-
lies of Is.66.1,2;Acts 7.48,49;and etc.
   The same to give complet explanation how and why God's Kingdom became a
Religion upon this earth,and why Christ became VASAL (Subordinate)to United
States of America Government,for a Christian to obey the laws the teachings
of United States of America.
   This judgement is and for Paul Crauch what call self "Christ"(President)at
Trinity Broadcasting Network synagogue from Santa Ana,California, and for Jack
Van Impe,from Troy,Michigan,and for all Family of TBN,Santa Ana California,
and for their seed too.
   All of you was better if you understood what is write in evangelies of
1John 2.3,4,5,15;Jacom(James)2.10.

                                   This was write by the
                                   worker of God the Creator
                                   in God the Father Christ

                                   [E M I L - handwritten]

           P.S.  Today 06-December-1993 I send a copy of this letter to
               your High Priest William J.Clinton,what you glorify him
               "Christ"(President) over United States of America Synagogue.

                                    The worker of God the Creator
                                    in God the Father Christ.

                                   [E M I L - again handwritten]