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psychoceramics: Museum of Non-Primate Art

I'm not sure if these people are kooks or con artists, but it
doesn't seem to be just a joke.  In any case, you can learn
valuable things like this:
  Reader's Hint for Today: Cats often spray their completed art with
  urine in order to claim it just as they spray their territory to claim
  it. Dirk Bronsan from Detroit has successfully prevented spray damage
  with a screen placed between cat and canvas to protect the art. The
  height of the screen must be planned carefully as tall screens impede
  a cat's access to its work. The height of the cat's bottom from the
  ground will help in calculating the size of the screen but be sure to
  allow for the spray's upward trajectory in calculations.

		David Aspinwall	a--@p--.com	408-524-3094