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Re: psychoceramics: UN troops in national parks

>...but I'm curious. I tend to think of conspiracy theories as falling into
>two camps: those based on a smidgen of evidence misinterpreted, and those
>with no factual basis at all. Anyone know whether there's something
>reasonably real that's sending these folks off into tizzies, or is this like
>Linda Thompson's stuff about traffic signs with encoded info so the New
>World Order troups can blow up bridges?

Linda Thompson's stuff about traffic signs was based on weird physical 
evidence.  She actually saw reflective stickers on the backs of traffic 
signs, and they were real.  However, these stickers were just for testing 
the reflectivity of the signs.  I think a lot of conspiracy theory stuff 
is based on relatively real info.  Basically, the conspiracy theorists 
coming from defensible places, but they overproject.  There are serious 
problems in this country (the US).  We are on the path to 
totalitarianism.  But it's much more subtle and slow than the 
contheorists believe.  And they're making any mention of "media 
consolidation" or "unconstitutionality" look like crackpot talk.  They're 
hurting the cause, dammit.  I'm pretty sure the NSA is behind it.


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