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Re: psychoceramics: Gruborsy's New Ally

Andrew C. Bulhak wrote:
>You mean Boursy's the next potential Gaia Messiah?
>> Either that, or she'll do the headless-dove-in-the-mailbox routine.
>Anyone know if rms got one of those as well?

As far as I know, Dorion Sagan is the only one so far to achieve
that honor.  She harassed him sufficiently that he went to court
to get a restraining order against her - she cannot approach
either Sagan or Lynn Margulies.

Her explanation for the headless dove is one of my favorite
pieces of Libby-speak.  She says she put it in his mailbox
"as a symbol of love and peace"  (I know the very first thought that
would come to my mind if I reached into my mailbox and encountered
a decapitated, decaying fowl would be "Love and Peace!").

Nancy McNelly                    |
                                 |        May the ta'ho'olob
http://www.he.net/~nmcnelly/     |       who voted for the CDA
Mayan hieroglyphic syllabary     |       tz'isob haway sotz'ob.