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Re: psychoceramics: The Luxembourgian Language is Related to Abkhazian and Chechen

Nancy McNelly inscriped the following glyphs:
> This reminds me of a correspondence I've been having with a fellow who sees
> "similarities" in Japanese and Mayan writing and is convinced that there
> "must be a connection."

And then of course there's the guy in the last century who thought some of the
Mayan characters looked like elephant heads, and wrote a long book about
the conquest of the Americas by the Mongols.  (Details forgotten, read it in
L. Sprague de Camp's _Lost Continents_, a book no psychoceramicist's
library should be without.)

ObTrueFact: Marcus Aurelius re-settled a Scythian tribe from the Black Sea in  
(what became) Yorkshire.  (Neal Ascherson: _The Black Sea_.)

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	For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.
	(Proverbs 23:27)