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psychoceramics: Disharmonic Convergence

Usenet makes strange bedfellows.

Let's see, recently we've had Boursy getting together with/not getting together
with Neutopia, the very odd Michael "Disney surpressed my magical hat!" Pitzel
muttering about UUNet because he'd been reading Gruborsy on
news.admin.censorship, and now we have a Boursy - Joan "Bill Gates is the
Great Satan" Brewer combo.

I think we need Koos Nolst Triente to come in and channel L. Ron Hubbard's
analysis of them all.

From: boursy @ world.std.com (Stephen Boursy)
Subject: Re: Usenet is not a democracy
Message-ID: <DrzMIs.AC--@w--.std.com>

In article <4o7p1h$r--@t--.nwlink.com>,
Redmond Rose  <r--@n--.com> wrote:
>I'm posting here, because I think you all should be very careful
>about censoring people from these networks.
>Yes, this is no democracy.  I recently had my web and account at
>Northwest Nexus taken from me because some one at USNET
>complained about it. I'm an engineer who was harassed out of my
>job at Microsoft.  I was left handicapped and had to have surgery
>and everything from the situation. My web is was about the
>whistle blower harassment me and my children went through as some
>in my community were attempting to be politically correct and
>promote their careers off my misfortune.
>My web was being very heavily hit and I was monitoring who was
>reading it.  They were reading it at Microsoft and it was very
>heavily hit by media and the government.  Because I had my phone
>number on my web, people started to call me.  Well, now its even
>worse than before.  A news paper did an extensive article and the
>sitation become more public that it was before.
>The story of what happened to me and the freedom of speach issue
>is at:
>The harassment I've put up with on this network since I was
>injured in 1990 has been so viscious it's hard to explain. I've
>had hate mail, threats, and my children messed with.  I can't
>even get medical treatment or find an attorney in my town. All of
>this because some people inside Microsoft didn't like that I said
>something bad about their company.  Well, hurting me this bad and
>then using my handicapped to hurt me more is malisious harassment
>in in Washington state that is a felony.  All I want is an
>investigation. I'm not out to get Microsoft for what happened.  I
>know there is only a small number of people doing this stuff.  I
>just want to be left alone and get my Labor and Industries
>medical reopened so I can get medical treatment. I'm loosing the
>left side of my body and am in constant pain... It's a bit hard
>to deal with what happened to me at Microsoft when I have this
>constant reminder.
>UUNET is partly owned by Microsoft and the manager of Microsoft

        Microsoft has a significant ownership stake in UUNET--
UUNETs primary selling point is their attempted monopoly
of Usenet groups.  DOJ is investigatin Anti-Trust behaviors
by UUNET--email me if you wish to file along on the same case.

        Decent providers do not allow UUNET any control over


>network very quickly resigned after my account was gone. I was
>doing e-mail with a Microsoft attorney at the time. Someone
>really messed up.
>As for those people in my community and at Microsoft.  I would
>suggest that you read
>I'm almost dead from harassment. I'm sure Mr. Gates is desparate
>to get this to stop.

Nancy McNelly                                  "Ma in k'ati"
http://www.he.net/~nmcnelly/                 Gaspar Antonio Chi
Mayan hieroglyphics. virtual pyramid, & more