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Re: psychoceramics: [Andrew C. Bulhak: Re: CN Press Release: Stone of Destiny (fwd)]

On Mon, 16 Dec 1996 01:17:41 +1100, you wrote:

>Also, is it true that the British are moving all their nuclear power
>plants in Scotland to England, so that if/when Scotland secedes, it 
>will have a harder time acquiring nuclear weapons?

There's a very old nuclear reactor on the northernmost tip of mainland
Scotland, at Dounray. I know it's leaked quite a lot of radioactive
stuff around the area over the years, and I seem to remember something
about it being shut down soon.

I think it was more a case of building the experimental reactors in
Scotland so as not to contaminate anywhere important if they exploded
:), and building the newer, safer-ish ones in England (Sizewell?)
