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psychoceramics: Christian Technology


  "The Christian Technology Movement is dedicated to fighting filth and 
   corruption and non-determinism with applied Christian technology. 
  "The Christian Technology Movement is not related in any way to Scientology. 
  "We don't believe in endless futile debate with liberals. 
  "Christians through the ages have been fearsome warriors. The 
   Christian Technology Movement is no different. We carry God's sword 
   in a TEFLON(R) lubricated sheath."

The page goes on to list projects such as "Missionary bots", which
"will roam around the internet from site to site delivering Christian 
messages and searching out and reporting illegal material", and a 
device which will "analyse and track Rap and Techno music in real time
and accurately generate an exact out of phase accompaniment which 
effectively cancels out the music", which was allegedly developed by
Christian Technology's scientists in Russia.  He also mentions a 
"Christian Ethics Model running on a LISP based neural network".

If this guy is serious (and these days, neither absurdity, insanity nor
stupidity is an indicator that someone isn't), then he is a kook.
(Given the improbability of the technological devices listed there,
I'd say he was delusional.)

 http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/           "Mithras -- the Reason for the Season"