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psychoceramics: Mind Control Forum

Get out your tinfoil-lined hats and have a look at The Mind Control Forum!


I tried to search for "tinfoil" and "foil" on their searchable index,
but I only got errors.  Rats.  You'd think they'd have some hints on
how to avoid Mind Control.

One of the links, http://www.mk.net/~mcf/rad_8.htm, is "Foods Which
Protect Against Radioactivity".  Choice quote:

   Another alert doctor said, "I agree that people are not only ill but
   are much more difficult to treat satisfactorily. It is frightening to
   see young people growing six, seven and eight feet tall and to note
   they are approaching a neuter type." Many girls are growing beards, and
   to witness the younger generation, it is often difficult to know which
   is male and which is female. Glands and hormones and genes are being
   distorted and young bodies reflect it.

Apparently, this quote is from a book published in 1974, 22 years ago.
I'm sure that like me, much of this list's readership attained their majority
since then, passing through puberty when these odd changes would take effect.

I don't notice these changes in myself, since I failed to attain a height
of six feet or better, and don't look particularly "neuter", having inherited
male pattern baldness that looks remarkably like my father and his brother,
my grandfather and my male cousin on that side.

Has anybody else noted these effects in themselves or in their peers?
Not the baldness, I mean the extreme height, women with beards and 
appearance approaching a "neuter type".