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Re: psychoceramics:Midges -Reply

>>> Nikolai Kingsley <n--@v--.net> 04/07/97 :1142 >>>

i was under the impression that a Daddy-Long-Legs was a kind of arachnid.

No. you're thinking of the harvestman. There is not one species of arachnid that
can fly, and arachnids have eight legs, not six. I'm scared of them because I
have this terrible fear they will crawl over my face while I'm sleeping and bits
of their legs will break off in my nose and/or mouth! Their legs are designed to
break off easily, as an escape from predators, like a lizard's tail. It's more
of a phobia, really. I know I shouldn't be, but I can't help it. Doesn't half
make me feel like a prat.
