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psychoceramics: Re: psychoceramics-digest V1 #319

At 11:36 AM -0400 on 8/18/97, owner-psychoceramics-d--@z--.net wrote:

> From: Mitchell Porter <m--@t--.com.au>
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 15:40:10 +1000 (EST)
> Subject: psychoceramics: would you like a Unifying Theory of Relativity ?
> This was sent to me unsolicited a month ago. I can't see myself
> ever trying to analyse this, but I hate to throw this sort of
> thing away, so I'll send it here instead... -mitch

I seem to recall that a printed version of this was added to the Santa Fe
Institute Archive of Particularly Unsolicited Manuscripts. I've not looked
through the unsorted submissions for several weeks, but this is all very
familiar-sounding. When the Archive (now overflowing into its second
photocopy paper box) is unpacked after my move, I'll check.

If nothing else than the fact that at SFI we're regarded as somewhat
"fringey", we receive an awful lot of this stuff. Or maybe we get so much
because of the unhealthy concentration of Nobel laureates and principal
journal editors. At any rate, it's proving a fruitful source for
psychoceramic material, and I'm preparing a semi-official web presence any
time now.

I'm currently toying with a taxonomy of scientific kookery. So far, I've
encountered the following in noteworthy quantities:

Einstein Wrong!
UFOs and Underground Installations
Eating Wrong Things can Kill
Unexplained Bible References
Your Research Proves I'm Right About This Other Thing!
Theosophy/Rosicrucianism and Physics
Periodic Table/Cabala/Numerology
That Damned Fritjof Capra/Teilhard de Chardin Stuff
Look What I Wrote on My Apple II!

Does anyone else have any suggestions for broad categories? I'm still
refining, needless to say, and I expect that there are several dozens of
new manuscripts waiting for me when I return to SFI in a few days. The
first thing I'll try to generate is a list of subject matter, and ask you
all for help with classifying it.

I'm also trying to work out a way of presenting the really cool physical
aspects of psychoceramic manuscripts, which are often the first clues to
really good finds. The scotch tape used to piece pages together in
nonstandard sizes. The multicolored underlining. The mimeographed Press
Releases. And my own personal favorite: The splayed brass brad used to hold
pages together. More suggestions?


--------------                               ------------------------
William Tozier                               also: Santa Fe Institute
Biology Department                                 t--@s--.edu
University of Pennsylvania                 [Web Pages Being Serviced]

"When ideas fail, words come in very handy."
  -- Anonymous