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psychoceramics: (fwd) FLYING TRIANGLE - UPDATE

More on those equilaterals... although it would be very nice if he
were right!

In uk.rec.ufo b--@e--.net (Adam Whaley) wrote...

DRAFT ADDENDUM - Flying Triangle over Cardigan Bay - "NO FT, NO

Some More Thoughts on the Flying Triangle Phenomenon.

Since our report on the Cardigan Bay / West Wales Flying Triangle
sightings of 21st November 1996 has been published, we have been able
to access further reliable sources of information which have helped
formulate this intriguing addendum.

This addendum will concentrate on speculation regarding the power
system, design, purpose, and possible builders of this craft. We have
already suspected that the craft is of terrestrial origin and features
known technologies. If we can now show how this craft could fly; what
it could be used for; and by whom it could be built, then one would
not necessarily need to invoke any extra-terrestrial origin
whatsoever. Sorry to rain on some people’s parade - the ET bandwagon
has become quite a palliative it seems!

With the following repeated references to certain manufacturers, i.e.
Raytheon and E-Systems, we readily admit that we do not have any proof
that they are the actual manufacturers. Rather, they are
representative of the aerospace and defence contractors who could
build the craft. It just so happens that the names Raytheon and
E-Systems seem to crop up regularly in our research reading on Project
HAARP and other projects. There may well be, and probably are, many
others involved in this ultra-clandestine project but please be
assured, we are getting closer to the truth and have already got some
very good leads. Further additions to this addendum are already in the
pipeline and any hard factual info would be much appreciated to help
us on the way.

Propulsion System

We have chosen to start with the propulsion system as this is one area
where our witnesses were able to provide us with reliably consistent
reports of the propulsive effects. Notoriously, the Flying Triangle is
conveniently deduced by many eye witnesses to be an
‘Extraterrestrial-UFO’ due  mainly to its lack of obvious, or
conventional, propulsion. We hope to show that this is far from the
only option by piecing together the available evidence and using
Occam’s Razor to eliminate the misguided assumptions that have become
an integral part of the FT-UFO lore ever since the first reliable
sightings in the eighties. Unfortunately, some researchers still
insist on quoting dubious ‘sightings’ from the 1800’s in an endeavour
to integrate the FT into the ET hypothesis. We feel this is as
irresponsible as it is desperate.

Witnesses report that the craft is normally silent, unless one is
standing directly underneath  when, to quote a witness, "it made a
loud roaring noise". Certainly residents of our area are well
aquatinted with low-flying military jets and helicopters and know what
they sound like - the FT was certainly nothing like them. Other UFO
witnesses have reported a whirring or humming sound, likened on some
occasions to an electricity sub-station.

Besides the sound (or lack of it), there was a report of static
electricity in the vicinity of the craft. Regarding the colours
observed, the red and blue flashes did not appear to be related to the
propulsion system, but the orange / yellow glow surrounding it, prior
to the very intense white flashes that occurred when the craft rapidly
accelerated do somehow seem to be associated with the method of
propulsion. The orange / yellow glow is almost certainly a plasma
created by an strong electro-magnetic field, presumably to reduce
friction and thus reducing the amount of energy needed to propel the
craft along its plane of motion when it goes into what we call ‘burst
mode’. The theory behind this process is called magneto-hydro-dynamics
(sometimes magnetoplasmadynamics) - the main principle associated with
the recently publicised ‘air-spike’ technology as will be fitted to
hyper-sonic air and space vehicles of the future. This subject was
extensively researched on both sides of the Iron Curtain during the
1950s and 1960s and continues to be extensively researched to this
day. (See the article by Eris Andys in UFO Reality on the AGARD/NATO
bibliography on this subject published in 1962 by Pergamon Press. The
Journal of Propulsion and Power, Volume 8 (1992) has an index on the
Web and this also shows several relevant articles).

Magnetohydrodynamics relates to the processes involved when a plasma
is created by an intense electrical field which is then held in place
by a similarly strong electromagnetic field. The electrical field
creates electrons at strategically placed electrodes, these are then
be manipulated by the magnetic field created by superconducting
magnets. Prof. Leik Myrabo relates that such a system impels the
ionised air backwards therefore creating thrust.

Given that the Flying Triangle is not always seen with a yellow/orange
glow around it, it seems likely that the plasma glow represents a
quantitative increase in the electrical charge and that this is
increased substantially when the inertial microwave -induced shock
wave - the air-spike - is engaged. To aid the transfer of microwave or
laser energy to the MPD device, Myrabo has also suggested using a skin
of silicon carbide (carborundum). This is doubly interesting as this
is a dark crystalline substance and may account for the craft's dark
underside and possibly the top also. It is also a semiconductor, which
means that its electrical conductivity increases with temperature.

It is well known that various energy waves , e.g. microwaves or light
waves, can be converted to electricity so we are postulating that
these bursts of energy are created by a microwave maser or a laser.
The latter would be more powerful, but visible. The result is an
energy beam which is pulsed out in front of the craft creating a
semi-vacuum into which the craft is ‘sucked’ at great speed. This is
not necessarily a continuous process, witnesses often only saw one or
two such bursts of energy, but on one occasion seven were seen in
rapid succession. Incidentally, this technique was first proposed in
the 1950s by Terence Nonweiller but it mysteriously disappeared only
to re-emerge recently in the proposals of Leik Myrabo at the
Rennesslear Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York State (See Mike
Ross's article "Rider on the Shock Wave" in New Scientist 17/2/1996
pp28, 30-31). These proposals would appear to be the first public
airing of the combined use of the MPD and microwave shock wave, but we
can be sure that the giant US military laboratories are way ahead of
what is publicly made known.

Power Source

As we have previously mentioned, there is no obvious visible power
source for this craft. However, as the craft appears to primarily use
electricity-related energy to propel itself, then the power source
would need to be electrical or to use some form of conversion process.
Leif Myrabo's proposals suggest using beamed laser or microwave energy
from a satellite or satellites. This would be achieved by using stored
solar power or perhaps beamed up from the ground and then possibly
redirected by satellite. This energy would be converted on board the
FT to power the craft. Using beamed in energy would remove the need
for engines and fuel. This power source would obviously increase the
power-to-weight ratio tremendously. Perhaps some form of accumulators
may be used should the beamed energy be intermittent or cut off for
some reason?.  Incidentally, such power beams need not be in the
visible light part of the electromagnetic spectrum so could
conveniently be invisible to observers. However, this invisibility
might also present a tremendous hazard to anything that accidentally
flew in the vicinity  such a beam. Perhaps some accidents have already
occurred which might have been conveniently attributed to ‘pilot
error’, ‘freak weather’ and ‘causes unknown’!

The use of microwave energy beams to power aircraft has already been
sucessfully tested. A consortium of ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil
Company), Raytheon, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena and some
Japanese scientists flew such a craft 150 miles in Canada in 1987, and
on several other occasions more recently. It is not known at this
stage what the craft looked like, but it has been suggested elsewhere
that it would benefit from having a large surface area to receive the
microwave energy beam. The Flying Triangle certainly has such a large
area especially when viewed from directly below (or above), again
increasing the likelihood that it uses ground or satellite-beamed
energy. It should also be noted that Raytheon scientist William C.
Brown has been working on the beaming of energy to aircraft and
helicopters since 1965, and that, surprise surprise, - Raytheon,
through their E-Systems subsidiary, own the patents to several such

One could speculate why an Oil Company, such as Atlantic Richfield
(ARCO) would want to get involved with beaming microwave energy to
aircraft. One scenario suggests that US Oil companies are looking
forward to a time when either oil becomes scarce or, for strategic /
geopolitical reasons, an effort is made to break the US reliance on
Middle Eastern suppliers (this may also explain Japanese interest who
are looking for ways to end their dependency on imported fuels).
Atlantic Richfield and Raytheon are heavily involved in the Project
HAARP development on the northern shore of Alaska, which purportedly
is designed to beam electrical energy into the ionosphere to conduct
all manner of experiments. However, One source, Gerry Vassilatos, in
his book "Secrets of Cold War Technology" suggests that Project HAARP
may be an attempt to tap into the electrical energy of the Aurora
Borealis, in a similar way to that employed by Nikola Tesla much
earlier this century. The electricity generated could then be used to
power aircraft by beaming it to them, bypassing the need for
expensive, and increasingly environmentally unpopular, aviation grade

The Problem of Lift

Although we have identified the probable source of power for the craft
and how the power is utilised to produce forward motion, this does not
necessarily give us the answer as to how the craft stays up in the
air. In short, what gives it lift? If observers are correct, the
Flying Triangle is capable of hovering and moving at low speeds (50
-100 knots). The craft certainly does not have an aerodynamic wing
section, - it has been described as a triangular paving slab or
processed cheese slice in appearance, if not in scale! - and there do
not appear to be any of the rotors that give helicopters lift nor the
vectored thrust jet engines used by aircraft like the Harrier, the
sound would be deafening anyway. This has led many people to conclude
that the craft must use some form of ‘anti-gravity’ device.

We have searched in the literature in vain to find any workable design
for such a device. It is known that very strong electro-magnetic
fields can cause a levitating effect and this has been known for a
long time (Dr Francis Nipher wrote an article "Can Electricity Destroy
Gravity" in the Electrical Experimenter magazine of March 1918) and
the concept has more recently been famously demonstrated with the
‘levitating frog’ that has hit the world’s headlines. However, none of
these reports have shown the actual device used to create the
electro-magnetic field being levitated - only the object suspended
within the field. We are not aware of, and strongly doubt the
existence of, any experiment that features an object that is capable
of  levitating itself. This leads us to conclude that something as
large, and as seemingly heavy, as the Flying Triangle would require an
almost unbelievably strong electromagnetic field to suspend it and
this would need to be generated externally and certainly in the very
near vicinity. Even then, it is unlikely that the craft could rise
from the ground more than a few feet at most.

Once again, Leik Myrabo has come up with an answer to this riddle
which is painful in its simplicity and obviousness. Make the craft
lighter-than-air, i.e. an airship. Certainly the observed flight
characteristics at low speed of the FT seem to exactly mirror those of
an airship. What seems incredible is that it is also capable of
supersonic flight, if only in very short bursts. Myrabo envisages a
craft with a skin made of layers of silicon carbide which can
withstand temperatures of up to 2000K and inflated with helium to
provide buoyancy at low altitudes and act as a coolant (the microwave
power converter would probably need a lot of cooling). Such a skin
would need to be effectively transparent to the microwave energy beams
on the top of the craft and there may be a dome effect to help focus
the beam to the converter. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any
witness report that lists a sighting of the upper side of the FT so
this dome or lens must remain conjecture.

Controlling the Craft

Whereas we now have a means for getting the craft through the air and
keeping it off the deck, there is also the problem of steering the
craft, both in terms of altitude and direction. The craft was observed
undertaking a circular route at level flight so it must be steerable.
No alteration in height was observed on this occasion, but other
observers have claimed that it can descend from a great height and
similarly ascend with extreme rapidity. Regarding horizontal
direction, it is possible that by manipulating the plasma field and
the flow of the electrons in it, the craft can be made to change
direction. In fact in the absence of anything resembling rudders,
ailerons, flaps etc or any other propulsion system, this is our only
explanation for how manoeuvrability can be achieved.

To make small altitude changes at low speed, it would seem necessary
to effect a change in the relative buoyancy of the craft. Alteration
of the air/helium mix would allow it to rise and fall, and with a
compartmentalised internal structure, it would be possible to cause
any point of the triangle to rise or fall. This would then allow the
microwave shock wave to be generated forwards in a horizontal plane
relative to the direction of the craft. This effect has been observed
and is often likened to "horizontal sheet lightning".  This system
could also be employed for rapid ascent and descent by simply pointing
the craft upwards or downwards. This vertical orientation has actually
been observed and described as "flying flat face forward" (like a hot
air balloon caught in an air stream), leading to the conclusion "that
no earthly craft could perform such a manoeuvre. Oh yeah!

It is worthy of consideration whether hydrogen could be used instead
of helium. Helium is a natural gas found within the Earth. It is
expensive and is being recovered in limited amounts. The huge amounts
required to provide lift to the FT would be prohibitive. Hydrogen, on
the other hand is in ready supply and is easily manufactured. It is
quite possible that the FT may even have its own on-board
manufacturing unit. Of course, the main problem with Hydrogen is its
combustibility when heated. When the critical temperature is attained
- bang! No FT - no comment! This explosion may well be responsible for
the ‘mystery explosion’ near the Isle of Lewis earlier this year. Eye
witnesses saw wreckage falling from the sky after seeing a huge
fireball . The explosion was heard by hundreds and the details
recorded seismically. No wreckage was recovered and the incident
officially recorded as unexplained. There just happened to be a NATO
air-sea exercise near to the area - what a surprise!

We have wondered how the craft stops, given that the momentum provided
by the shock wave would carry the craft forwards for a great distance.
It has been observed that the craft often enters the scene in a flash
of light as well as leaving in a similar fashion. We surmise that, not
only can the craft generate a shock wave in front of it, but also to
the rear or any of the sides, working in tandem to counteract the
forward motion. The breaking effect must be tremendous and the G
forces beyond human capacity to withstand. There is the distinct
possibility that all three sides act together giving 3-way interactive

Who Controls the Craft?

The G forces, together with the user-unfriendly electromagnetic
atmosphere in which the craft operates, suggests to us that this would
not be a suitable environment for human pilots, crew or passengers and
we are reminded of the ill-fated Mag-Lev train of the 1970’s. However,
this unfriendly environment would not be of great importance these
days as the science of Virtual Reality remote control for aircraft has
been extensively developed. Indeed, the most recent proposals for
military fighters and bombers envisage pilotless craft, controlled
either from ground stations or ‘motherships’, directly or via
satellite. As is well known, the military have developed Virtual
Reality for flight simulators and the entire globe continues to be
mapped out with increasingly higher resolution. This means that even
low-flying would now appear to be perfectly feasible - although even
human pilots have been known to make catastrophic mistakes in the
Welsh hills.

Readers may have spotted an apparent contradiction in how the craft
could be controlled remotely if the electromagnetic field surrounding
it disrupts all electronic and magnetic communications systems. This
problem can neatly be addressed by using the microwave maser/laser to
act as a carrier wave for a modulated digital pulse. The pulse would
simply be interrogated, error corrected and converted into digital
control signals. An analogy could be that the same electricity used to
send Morse Code signals could also be used to charge a battery at the
same time - communications and power down a single power line.

Although the Flying Triangle appears to exhibit extremely fast bursts
of speed, it does not appear to be able to sustain them thus tracking
the craft, especially by satellite, would not be difficult. Even
communicating with it would be possible, despite its electromagnetic
envelope, if one uses gamma rays or the aforementioned modulated
carrier wave. A company such as E-Systems would be ideal for the
development of these techniques as they are the owners of the Global
Positioning System of satellites. Their parent company Raytheon are
experts in the field of satellites and ground launch stations.
Raytheon have also recently been showing off their Tactical Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (the Shadow 200) to the US military which is flown from
the ground and which can transmit a variety of images in real time.
Interestingly, the GPS is said to be only accurate to within a about
30 meters but this resolution would obviously be unsuited to the
precise requirements of the VR control of the Flying Triangle.
However, on more than one occasion, the GPS resolution has suddenly
and mysteriously increased to within a few inches and what a
coincidence that one of these occasions just happened to coincide with
the search for a missing fighter plane’s black box!

The Design

Well, we hope we have shown that the craft is technologically feasible
in terms of power and control, but could it be made and why do so in a
triangular shape ?

Using microwave energy beams would require a large surface area to
beam onto because presumably if one chose too small an area it would
suffer from overheating, whereas a large area would deliver a diffused
power density to any specific part of the surface. The craft would
need to be fairly bulky to allow sufficient density and mass for the
magnetoplasmadynamic ‘drive’ to operate. Also, and perhaps more
importantly, being an airship, it would require a sufficiently large
volume to give the required buoyancy. Finally it needs to be strong
enough to withstand the colossal rate of acceleration and a triangular
shape just happens to be the strongest structure geometrically. It has
been witnessed that the FT sometimes splits off into several pieces
again leading to an automatic ET hypothesis. Hasn’t it occurred to
anyone that an equilateral triangle is the perfect and most stable
nesting solid although why the manufacturers would want them to nest
together is anyone’s guess?

We suspect that the craft has solid sides, where the electrodes and
superconducting magnets are expected to reside. They would also to
give it solidity. The top and/or bottom might comprise the films of
silicon carbide and the whole assembly built around a triangular
space-frame. This space-frame could be a compartmentalised structure
built of many interconnected gas-tight vessels. These in turn may be
made of a super lightweight polymer and perhaps it is again no
coincidence that Raytheon are known to manufacture an executive jet
made with precisely such a polymer! This arrangement would therefore
neatly combine both the strength, rigidity and the inflatability that
the design appears to point towards. Admittedly, we can only guess at
the internal structure but a compartmentalised arrangement would
certainly allow for the differential flow of helium/hydrogen. It would
certainly account for the requirement of the craft to raise or lower
its ‘nose’ in a similar fashion to a submarine.

What is it For ?

Having come this far we have to conclude that the Flying Triangle is
undoubtedly a terrestrial craft and there is nothing we have suggested
so far that is beyond the bounds of terrestrial technology. Admittedly
some of this technology is ultra high-tech state-of-the-art but on the
other hand, some of it is almost prehistoric!

The still remains the question of what possible use the FT might have.
A quick process of elimination will remove the possibility that this
is a passenger aircraft, due to its hostile environment. The lack of
sustained speed and poor manoeuvrability can rule out an interceptor
role or tactical strike role, its size would also rule this out. A
transport role would appear to be unlikely with all the stresses of
slow, fast and back to slow mode of travel as well as the extreme
unlikelihood of it being able to sustain a heavy payload. There does
not appear to be any need for a bomber of this type as it would, of
course, be extremely vulnerable to hostile fire, and with the known
capability of intercontinental missiles, nuclear submarines and so
forth there doesn't seem to be any compelling reason for adopting this
technology in a bombing role.

This would leave us with four feasible roles. Leik Myrabo's designs
are for launch vehicles for satellites, but there is scant evidence
that the FT would be capable of the Mach 25 escape velocity required
and what is a satellite launch vehicle be doing flying around for
hours at a time at 200 feet above the ground! OK, so it may use the
same technology but it still doesn't seem very likely to us. Also
Myrabo only proposed craft of 30 feet in diameter and this is a
monster compared to that. It should be noted that NASA has helped fund
Myrabo's work so it is just possible that the Flying Triangle may have
a variant form which can be used for this purpose even so, the 200
foot version that is frequently sighted would appear to be far too
large for the job. Having said that, we would also note that Raytheon
are at work on a variety of satellite launch vehicles - another

This leaves three more contenders for the role of this craft.
Remembering the Second World War (and assuming this isn't a superfast
barrage balloon !), one of the main uses for airships was as naval
convoy escorts. Now the FT has the ability to fly around unattended
for long periods of time and then suddenly zoom in to a location. If
the craft was fitted with a variety of electronic or sonic weapons it
could prove to be a sub-hunter of some utility, or even be used in
dreaded ‘War on Drugs’ to keep track of smuggling vessels - as if
modern radar and satellites couldn't already do this! Well it is
possible but highly unlikely. However as the Office of Naval
Intelligence is one of the sponsors of Myrabo's work, then it is
likely that some consideration of such a role may at least have been

Another role we can think of is for a strategic spy plane, a successor
to the U-2s and Blackbird. It has been known for some time that the US
military and intelligence services have desired something that
combines the manoeuvrability of aircraft with the staying power of a
satellite. Assuming that the FT has the capability of flying very high
and out of the reach of SAMs, then it could well perform a valuable
spying role, being able to dive below the cloud cover to get a real
close up look at a target and then zoom away in a flash. In this
regard we note that the Israeli ROTOSTAR system of communications
utilises high-flying airships, as these are much cheaper than

Finally, a possible use would be in a non-lethal weapons capacity as a
search and destroy craft. It could be a sophisticated
diverter/converter system for the microwave or laser beam that also
powers it. Any electronic systems struck by such a beam pulsed at a
critical frequency would be rendered useless. In these days of high
tech weaponry, that means virtually all weapons from tanks to ICBM’s.
It could also have a subsidiary role in being an Electronic Counter
Measures craft able to take out enemy electricity supplies and radio
stations and so forth. The ability to wield electromagnetic weapons
would also be invaluable from a purely defensive standpoint. In the
absence of any obvious armaments, this ability to disarm incoming
missiles could just well be the primary role. In this regard we would
also point out that one of the sponsors of Myrabo's work has been the
Strategic Defence Initiative.

The fact that the craft is apparently uncrewed would be a distinct
advantage as this would avoid any embarrassing scenes if the pilot was
shot down and captured (Gary Powers) and, provided there were no
tell-tale markings, the country that used this craft would have a
degree of built-in ‘plausible deniability’ (the first requirement of
the CIA and other intelligence agencies). The possibility of the FT
having  Hydrogen buoyancy would allow the craft to be used in a
Kamikaze fashion like a massive fuel-air bomb. It could well be
ultimately regarded as a disposable structure. As an added advantage,
there would be little, if any, wreckage left for an enemy to

If this is a CIA/NRO spy plane then it would certainly explain the
official media blackout and indeed it could be the very reason why
there appears to have been so much enthusiasm for thinking that this
‘UFO’ is an alien spaceship! What better cover could such a vulnerable
piece of equipment have than to be thought of as belonging to an alien
race that is so far advanced than ourselves and so equipped with such
awesome weaponry (as displayed in ‘Independence Day’) that it would be
suicidal to shoot it down.

Also, if this is a CIA/NRO spy plane it would explain why the
government and the military have been correct in saying that it was
not an "unknown" aircraft - that is, unknown to them. But they ain't
saying what it is and who does know about it. It would also explain
why it was evaluated as not being a threat to the UK - true again. The
only recorded attack by this craft was apparently in Russia where one
apparently attacked a Radar station. We say apparently because this
was later officially denied. Just what you'd expect a US spy/ECM plane
would be capable of doing and just the expected response also!.

Furthermore, it would just happen to be a convenient coincidence that
the very people who could design, build and fly one of these craft,
Raytheon, have as their subsidiary E-Systems, a company that is
staffed almost entirely by ex-military / intelligence people, whose
work is almost exclusively for those agencies and whose core business,
according to their 1994 Annual Report, is reconnaissance and
surveillance. As we say, pure coincidence. Furthermore the Flying
Triangle has been observed near to the Raytheon factory at Hawarden
(Broughton) in North East Wales , which may explain why there have
been so many sightings along the North Wales coast, and indeed it was
in the direction of Hawarden that ‘our’ Flying Triangle was last seen
heading on November 21st 1996. Also Raytheon have research facilities
in Denmark which may explain why the craft appears so frequently along
the North Eastern coast of England. Presumably, the craft waves to
people on Atlantic Richfield's Trent and Tyne Oil field platforms.
(Flying Triangle sightings have taken place from North Sea Oil
platforms). Raytheon are also experts at building such platforms, and
are experimenting with off-shore launch platforms and, quite possibly,
microwave energy beaming stations also. Well well! 

There would be no reason for too many Government and Military people
to be in the know about the FT, just enough to have the correct
procedures followed that could perpetuate a cover-up. If the cover
eventually gets blown and can't be denied then a convenient cover
story would be set in motion - admit that it is one of ours but that
it is only flown for research purposes (some guff about the
environment will probably do) and that there is nothing secret or
untoward about it so what’s the fuss about!

So, the famous Flying Triangle. As far we can see there are very good
reasons to suppose that this beast is of terrestrial origin, built and
designed in the USA for their military / intelligence agencies by
their friends in the aerospace industries. We'd be very surprised if
Raytheon and E-Systems the CIA / NSA / NRO / NASA aren't heavily
involved in this one, unless you know otherwise and want to tell us?


Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning "Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances
in Tesla Technology". Earthpulse Press, AL, 1996. Much more readable
than Vassilatos with much useful information about ARCO and Raytheon,
amongst other subjects.

Mike Ross "Rider on the Shockwave" New Scientist 17/2/1996 pp28, 30 -
31. Excellent resume of Myrabo's work.

Gerry Vassilatos "Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project HAARP and
Beyond". Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, CA. 1996. Virtually
unreadable account of the war between Tesla and Marconi and the use of
their radio technologies by the military. Useful discussion of HAARP.
Needs a second edition where all the wrong words are corrected (it's
been spell-checked but not sense-checked).

Virtually every issue of the following magazines has had some
references to the Flying Triangle and related phenomena, some more
useful than others: Alien Encounters, Fortean Times, Sightings, Nexus,
UFO Magazine, UFO Reality.

Web-sites for Raytheon, ARCO, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and
many other web resources - use your search engines selectively. A few
interesting key words for your search engines: Myrabo, SABER, tesla,
plasma weapons, particle beam weapons, rail gun, MHD/MPD, microwave
energy beams, airborne laser/ABL magnetoplasmadynamics, SDI, HAARP.

Richard Alexander
Adam Whaley

As this addendum was being drafted, we came across a large body of
circumstantial supporting evidence to strongly suggest that the FT’s
are connected with a mega-Multi-National Corp/Govt  secret project to
secure a viable renewable energy source for the future - SPS or
Satellite Solar Power. This project has been previously been publicly
deemed "unviable at present" but we now suspect otherwise! If any
researchers would like to pool knowledge or information to get to the
bottom of this, please get in touch.