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Re: psychoceramics: Microwave itch on side against mattress

>This strikes me as a variant on the tinfoil-lined baseball cap scheme.
>It's sort of a cliche' in the USA that bums will be wearing a
>tinfoil-lined stocking cap or baseball cap.  We now have evidence that
>at least one person is worried about mind control via selective
>itch-inducing microwaves.  I've never met a real bum that had a
>tinfoil-lined hat.  My question to the list is this: has anyone ever
>really met a crazoid with a lined hat?  If so, what was the stated
>reason?  Is the tinfoil-lined cap a mere Urban Legend?

There are lots of them out there. I have read a good piece of practical 
technology advice on the net, how to find out if THEY are bombarding you 
with microwaves. You cover your window with silverfoil and put used 
blank used fax paper behind it. If rays are coming through the ink will 

You should check out the Mind Control Foundation page 


for this sort of stuff.

Also, I personally know two people who have (independantly) used tinfoil 
to try and thwart these sorts of attacks. One was a guy in Tasmania who 
used to cover himself head to tow in tinfoil because ASIO was trying to 
make him impotent. He actually got his MP to request ASIO to stop 
persecuting him on his behalf and raise the issue in Parliament.

A friend of mine knows a lady who protests outside the State attorney 
General's office with a placard and claims she is being harassed. Her 
house is lined with tinfoil.

But I

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