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An excerpt from what looks like an intriguing book of conspiratological
hysteria; http://www.serpentstail.com/noframes/mindinv.html

 -- acb

>From:         Kris Millegan  RoadsEnd <RoadsE--@A--OL.COM>
>To:           CTRL--@L--ISTSERV.AOL.COM
>A reader in psychic warfare, cultural sabotage and semiotic terrorism
>Edited by Stewart Home
>Copyright (C) 1997 of the individual contributions remains with the authors
>Compilation copyright (C) 1997 Stewart Home
>Serpent's Tail,
>4 Blackstock Mews, London N4, and
>180 Varick Street, 10th floor, New York, NY 10014
>Web site: http://www.serpentstail.com
>ISBN 1-85242-560-1
>London Psychogeographical Association
>The election of Derek Beackon as a Councillor on the Isle of Dogs caused
>shocked outrage across the Establishment. Beackon is a dedicated Nazi
>occultist. He graduated to the British Nationalist Party after serving his
>apprenticeship in the British Movement. Beackon is an adept of Enochian magic.
>Devised in the sixteenth century by John Dee, it was this magical system that
>laid the basis for the conjuring up of the British Empire. Like every other
>form of nationalism, British nationalism is a psychic elemental which drains
>energy from living people in order to maintain itself as a sickly caricature
>of life.
>From his home at Mallon House, Carr Street, Limehouse, Beackon was able to tap
>into the powerful ley line running through his front room. This ley line is
>readily visible from the Observatory at Greenwich. It goes through the macabre
>Queen Anne House, and guided by the symmetry of the Naval College it crosses
>the Isle of Dogs, clipping the corner of Canary Wharf complex before exactly
>passing through the tower of St Anne's Limehouse. Then it passes through
>Beackon's lair before going on to Queen Mary and Westerfield College.
>This ley line has been in the hands of the Establishment for years. They used
>the Greenwich section for astrological purposes. Time and space are measured
>from here. The British Establishment have now gained universal recognition for
>their hermetic system. Meanwhile, the other section at QMWC has been the
>centre of sub-atomic research. Thus Greenwich accounts for the macrocosm,
>while the alchemical processes north of the river account for the microcosm.
>Many people believe that Greenwich is in fact the omphalos - or spiritual
>centre - of the British Empire. However, those with a deeper understanding of
>feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of land divination, will recognise that the
>actual omphalos must be on the Isle of Dogs, protected by water on all sides.
>Those who visit the Mudchute - a piece of park mysteriously built as an exact
>replica of an ancient hill-fort - will find a special staircase leading to a
>cobbled circle. This is the omphalos, the spiritual centre, where the magus
>John Dee conjured up the British Empire in the presence of Christopher
>Marlowe, four hundred years ago this year. However, using the ley line for
>such evil purposes necessitated the sacrifice of a human life. A psychic
>attack on Christopher Marlowe and his friends in a Deptford pub led to a brawl
>in which the famous playwright died.
>In more recent years, the Canary Wharf tower was built very carefully. It is
>in fact a column supporting a pyramid at the top. This pyramid serves to
>represent the much larger pyramid that would be formed if the lines at each
>corner were stretched down to ground level. This greater 'virtual' pyramid
>lies with its southwest corner upon the ley line. The use of such street names
>as Cabot, Chancellor and Churchill clearly shows the intention to make Canary
>Wharf a powerful totem to resist the revival of German imperialism. Wren's
>name is used in deference to the architect who organised the building of the
>Naval College, and supervised the erection of St Anne's tower as a U-Wave
>conductor. The building of Canary Wharf involved several human sacrifices,
>passed off as 'accidents'.
>However, the British establishment did not think that the pro-German British
>Nationalist Party would challenge them on this power line. But the BNP knew
>what price they would have to pay. Having conducted his obscene rituals to
>gain electoral success, Beackon fled his home, fearing the negative karma that
>would result. The BNP cynically pretended that he was in hiding from some
>unspecified anti-racists. Richard Edmonds, another cowardly BNP occultist, was
>so worried he arranged for some BNP moles in the police to keep him locked up
>in a cell, out of harm's way. However, the karmic law is remorseless. The
>power of the ley line having been used, a human life had to be sacrificed.
>As the principal culprits had protected themselves from psychic attack,
>another top Nazi occultist would be the victim. It was Ian Stuart, lead singer
>of the cult band Skrewdriver. The official story is that the car he was
>travelling in crashed, and that the two passengers in the back escaped before
>the vehicle became a ball of fire. However, the truth is that the driver
>succumbed to demonic possession before spontaneously bursting into flames. The
>BNP may feel safe now that their demonic master has sated its hunger. But the
>BNP are mere amateurs at occultism when compared to the top experts who run
>the British Establishment. The more they proceed with their occult nightmare
>of ritualistic sadism, the more they become victims of Masonic mind control.
>The British Establishment is now using them to conduct an experiment on the
>people of the Isle of Dogs. Using the Island as crucible of social
>engineering, they want to test what role race riots can play in propping up
>their decadent Masonic system. If the experiment goes wrong, the island can be
>sealed off and the inhabitants isolated. If it succeeds, the state will have a
>new weapon in its arsenal of terror.
>Already, the East London Advertiser is running a competition where readers are
>invited to ring different phone lines to say whether they think it was right
>that the BNP were elected. This is simply another wing of the establishment
>experimenting with the Nazi impetus. We cannot expect the press to expose the
>evil of which they are in fact a part, albeit in a different department. The
>same goes for the rest of the establishment, whether the police, the church or
>the political apparatus. We can only move forward by having nothing to do with
>any of these evil organisations.
>First issued as an undated leaflet.
>Aloha, He'Ping,
>Om, Shalom, Salaam.
>Em Hotep, Peace Be,
>All My Relations.
>Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
>Roads End
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"I have spoken to one cat, and to many.  And wherever I have gone,   www.zikzak
 my message is the same...  Dream it!  Dream the world. Not this     .net/~acb/
 pallid shadow of reality.  Dream the world the way it truly is."
		-- Neil Gaiman, _Dream of a Thousand Cats_