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psychoceramics: [ISO] More TOMMY

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Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 10:45:49 -0500
From: JABR33 <j--@w--.att.net>
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To: i--@p--.com
Subject: [ISO] More TOMMY
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We are "In Search Of . . ." answers together. Each posting must reflect
personal respect, integrity, honesty, and full disclosure of information.

Listers:  I received a detailed and involved letter about the Tommy rock
opera from another email correspondent.  It inspired me to take-off on a
tangent about other possible implications to the interpretation of the
Tommy rock opera.  Some of you might have heard my thoughts on this
before, especially about possible connections between mind control
victims and eugenics endeavors by govts since 1920.  See below, I will
not disclose the name of the original email correspondent who inspired
this writing -- but, for those who are interested in more banterings --
keep reading here -- Judith

R:  This is an interesting and very important to me comment.  Very, in
fact.  What era and time period Pete Townsend was designating [for the
rock opera] was real important to the entire story and central to its
political and ritual connotations.  AFTER I wrote this review, I began
to consider the fact that my interpretation in that measure was
inaccurate.  I believe that "1921" was a locator for the use of outside
sperm for the baby -- the GONE "Captain" father -- was from 1921 -- when
the sperm was collected, not necessarily when the baby was born, which
is what we all wind up instantly thinking from the lyrics.  The sperm
could have been a part of a eugenics ring, multi-generational bloodline
cult family stuff.  It can be saved for decades (probably part of the
"secret societies" agendas and sperm may survive in even underground
wine cellars in fact, certainly it survives frozen indefinitely
according to reproductive clinics).

This point is real important.  It is obvious that TOMMY was a 50s - 60s
child -- not a question -- as is Townsend.  Pin ball machines were not
MADE in the 30s, and the use of hallucinogens, such as ACID, may have
been available through cannibal cults much earlier
(African-Caribbean-Mexican drugs stuff), but Townsend writes the music
and lyrics as if this was the counter-culture generation and Tommy as a
part of it.

The play is written as if Tommy was born after WWII.  And, indeed, most
of the now vocal mind control victims interestingly enough were born
from 1948 - 1952, with most from 1949 - some from 50.  Not a question
these mind control victims have been used in vicious, horrendously
sadistic doctor stories and with horrible medical experimentations --
and indeed, everything about Tommy points to that.  And, this is very
graphically shown in the stage play, parents become quite involved in
these medical experimentations situations, supporting them, etc...and
forcing children to endure them.  Typically, many mc victims are
sexually mutilated and driven away from families because of family
members as their main perps.  Tommy's extra-sensory perception might be
paralleled to the use of in-body implants (also typical complaints of mc
victims), possibly Delgado eye-ear implants -- which in tandem with
remotes (stimuoceivers) can be used to force someone physically into a
trance.  In trances, the person is badly assaulted sexually.  These
"trance" sessions were very well portrayed in the stage play, as was
vicious incest.  I suspect as many mc victims endure constant syndicate
cell assaults with poisons, so did Tommy -- his mention of "bakers" and
"shoemakers" as perpetrators I take to mean he is dealing with constant
"gumming down" syndicate assaults from these business owners.  You bet
-- this is typical slave-intell-cell work on those who are targeted for

What is going on here? -- We have mc victims, we have horrendous
cult-assaults on innocent people -- families "donating" children for
these assaults.  Yeah.  We really do have this stuff going on.  Tommy
was a REAL person, with a great many REAL counterparts now if MC victim
accounts are believed and I am definitely a believer.  The MC victims
are used like SLAVES in communities from U.K. to U.S. to Belgium to
France.  And, once these victims "remember" these horrendous mind
control sessions, they are usually murdered with "accidents."  These
victims also know a great deal about secret societies, they have often
witnessed cannibal acts and murders of everything from animals to
fetuses to children.  These secret societies appear to actually murder
children and reports are that they haunt abortion clinics for fetal
tissues for rituals.  This sort of puts a new bent on the
"right-to-lifers" -- stories, doesn't it?  So do the
eugenics-complications to Tommy.  Who is doing all this controlled
reproduction activity?  WHY?  (U.K. is known for its breeder interests
and bloodline stories with animals, obviously this extends to
children.)  Some element appears to be trying to people the New World
with "Merovingian-Cather" (ie - Christ) bloodlines?  Some pseudo-hunt
for a new messiah and somebody was planning this back in 1949?  The
Christ bloodlines are of course inherently (no pun intended) Jewish.  So
this could be looked at as a search for a new Jewish messiah by Jews,
working with U.S. and UK govts?  But why all the medical experimentation
on these victims?  This baffles me some, it may be simply a way to get
rid of these people, the NEW elimination campaign with the use of
implants for tagging them.

I believe that a great many of these mc victims, soon afterwards known
as baby boomers and Hippies, were/are extraordinarily exceptional people
-- amazingly so, even for their in-body implants.  And, I believe that
many of them were implanted so that they could be tracked and their
reproductive powers spread to OTHERS.  That now they are dealing with
horrible mc assaults by intell sources, funded by the govt, appears to
show that the government's was only interested in their BREEDER
qualities (not unlike the U.K.'s interests in Diana -- who was probably
a Merovingian breeder stock which comes primarily from Ireland).  Govt
appears to be using this tagging system to ELIMINATE these people,
wholesale, with medical experimentations once they realize why they have
endured things like constant rape and molestations by intell groups who
make money on the sperm and ovum harvesting from these people.  Point
here is that these victims wind up living with CONSTANT physical
assaults by crime syndicates that can make money off their organs.  Why
no evidence?  Many victims have had evidence, once intell knows this, it
is usually eliminated.  And sexual mutilation is terribly embarrassing,
not as if you are going to run to the local papers and hope that they
print it.  Many MC victims have lost 1/2 testicles, 1/2 ovaries (ovaries
can be harvested in clinics and command really high prices), sexual
mutiliations are common amongst these victims, as are serious sexual
hang-ups for very good reasons.  In order to enjoy natural sex, they
probably must use some drugs (like heroin to get it up)...this synopsis
is not a half-bad theory for explaining why these people have dealt with
psychological and physical assaults for nearly their entire lives...and
used in a vicious white slavery system by intell and crime syndicates,
as well as their families and friends, they are a "sellable" commodity,
physically.  And they are so pretty, they wind up as these sex

So -- the beginning of the TOMMY rock opera is really, really important
I believe -- and masterful on Townsend's part.  What is going on here,
who is Tommy, why he is dealing with assaults, how his family (mother
esp.) is involved (typically mc victims hate their mothers because the
mothers assault them).  Tommy's gayness is typical -- of this
horrendously abusive/deviant family structure.  And men like Tommy
typically hate women, for good reasons and deep down especially their
mothers, for good reason -- the women sold them out and also badly
abused them -- infants even, never, ever forget.  Parents have got to
realize that if they deal out incest it WILL return to them.

And I will add one more thought -- it seems to me that there are two
distinctively different bloodlines here (and there may be more, but I
don't know the subtle differentiations) -- at least that I can recognize
-- one is the Diana line, more Irish-looking (perhaps "Merovingian" --
blondes, sandy straight hair, -- etc.) and the other is very British
looking -- dark brown hair with pale white skin (possibly more Scottish
- "Winsorish" such as the Queen).  These people are generally very
pretty -- handsome -- very attractive.

I am going to send a part of this email to other people -- and even put
it on list for info -- we must begin to combine thinking about eugenics
and mind control-incest scenarios together...the bloodline part is, I
now believe, very important to the Tommy story.  It may also be very
important to Jewish-crime cells and to Jewish future planning - too.  So
- it would appear that the TEMPLE, messiah, hunt is quite a real
situation - with a great many wonderful people dying in medical
experimentations in the meantime - a NWO genocide built within a
"Fellini-esque" structure with a Disney pin-ball "wizard" and the OZ
"wizard" at the top, who is that white-haired creep trying to play "god"
with humanity and can we get to HIM before he eliminates us?  The
situation is so bizarre as to bring up "cartoon" possibilities, may be
Hitler never DID die, is now living on mortality drugs in Cuba with
Castro as his body guard?  If not Hitler, than his assign.  And if not
Hitler, then consider this is Anna Freud, keeping the incest-assaults
continuing.  Whomever is keeping this thing quiet is viciously and
maliciously assaulting, caballed, a great many wonderful people, this I
do believe.  Tommy's answer was correct -- humanity must face its mental
illnesses and supercede them, in order to prepare for the strike against
this pseudo-god ass.

My best, Judith
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--------------                               ------------------------
William Tozier                               also: Santa Fe Institute
Biology Department                                 t--@s--.edu
University of Pennsylvania                 [Web Pages Being Serviced]

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of course, in a state of sin."
  -- John von Neumann (1903-1957)

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