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psychoceramics: Planet Nibiru

I don't know if the work of Zecharia Sitchin has come to the attention of this
august and learned assembly on any earlier occasion, but it seems eminently
worthy of the attention of psychoceramicists, and those with an unslakable
passion for the works of Drs. Immanuel Velikovsky and E. E. Smith.  (It appears
that most if not all of Sitchin's books are in print, and I'll be asking my
bookseller to get me some of the choicer-looking titles this evening.)  In
brief, it appears that civilization --- particularly that of Sumer --- was
founded, and human beings genetically engineered, by visitors the twelfth
planet, Nibiru (shades of both _The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown
of the Bicameral Mind_ and _Buckaroo Banzai_), and it is suggested they are
about to return in glory, or something very like.
A few web-sites worthy of note in this connection:

nger/sitchin.html.  Sample:
	These astounding statements are made possible by the Sumerian cuneiform
	deciphering skills of Zecharia Sitchin, a linguist in command of many
	ancient languages who has set the scientific world on its ear with his
	astounding interpretations of ancient writings.
	In 1976, Sitchin's first book, The Twelfth Planet, began an odyssey that
	has literally transformed the field of ancient history; in 1993 came the
	sixth book in his Earth Chronicle series, When Time Began. Among other
	mindboggling assertions, this book links the complex calendar of
	Stonehenge and the puzzling ruins of Tiahuanacu in Peru to the ancient
	culture of the Sumerians, and by extension, to the Nibiruans, who are also
	called the Anunnaki.
	These are the folks Sitchin insists not only created the Sumerian culture,
	but who also genetically created human beings as we know them. And yes,
	they live on this mysterious 12th planet, Nibiru.
	Without stretching the English language too much, it is safe to say that
	the information Sitchin presents is as profound as the realism portrayed
	in the film Planet of the Apes.  [The context makes clear that this last
	paragraph is _not_ ironic.  CRS]


Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
There are few situations in life that cannot be resolved promptly, and to the
satisfaction of all concerned, by either suicide, a bag of gold, or thrusting a
despised antagonist over a precipice on a dark night.  --- Kai Lung

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