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psychoceramics: "Definitely the Best Value in Religious Lunatic Graphic Literature with Homoerotic Overtones Available on the Market Today"


A comparison of Jack Chick (http://www.chick.com) and the "Crusaders" 
religious comics. As the title says, it is the _best_ value in religious 
lunatic graphic literature with homoerotic overtones available on the 
market today. Moreover, they kick down doors in Spanish...

On the subject of religious lunatics, Jack Chick's page is still alive and 
"chicking". His latest online cartoon festival is about armageddon 
(http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0007/0007_1.htm) and of course a 
wonderful piece about a dying girl 
(http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0063/0063_01.asp) - Also available in 
Spanish! No doors kicked down, I'm afraid. 

Chick also includes articles like "Do you know how to identify a cult?" 
(http://www.chick.com/bc/1998/cult.asp), his anti-Islam rant 
(http://www.chick.com/information/islaminfo.asp) his anti-Catholicism 
manifesto (http://www.chick.com/reading/books/153/153_01.asp)

Some highlights:

"The Jesuits had secretly prepared World War II, and Hitler's war machine 
was built and financed by the Vatican to conquer the world for Roman 
Catholicism, Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco were to be the defenders of the 
faith. They were set up to win and conquer the world, and set up a 
millennium for the pope. Behind the scenes, the Jesuits controlled the 
Gestapo. All this is fully documented in THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE JESUITS, 
published by Chick Publications."

"Too many people knew that the Vatican was responsible for World War II so 
it was time for a face lift. Time to start up smokescreens. The Vatican II 
Council came into existence and the mother of harlots put on a new make-up 
job. She wiped her mouth with her bloody hands and said, "I've changed. Now 
I like the Protestants. I'm not going to call them heretics any more, but 
separated brethren." She told the Protestants to forget the past. It was 
now time to push the love gospel. A time of healing. Just like in France 
and Ireland. Remember...? "

"So the Vatican was succeeding in their goals. Their boys, planted in 
Protestant denominations, frowned on anti-Catholic sermons and discouraged 
them across the nation. We were locked into a cold war with Russia. 
Hollywood, influenced by a powerful Catholic lobby, furnished us with films 
like "Song of Bernadette" and "Going My Way," and a number of exciting 
films glorifying the Catholic faith. On the other hand, they pushed movies 
like "Elmer Gantry" showing crooked Protestant evangelists. Do you remember 
"Dragnet?" on television? The Christian was always pictured with a big 
Bible, smiling after he had strangled Grandma up in the attic. And always, 
the priests were the good guys. Just like in the popular television series 
called MASH. You see, we are hit psychologically on many fronts. "

"I have a friend whose Dad is an unsaved Roman Catholic. This man goes to 
mass, beats his wife, swears like a sailor, drinks his booze, but he 
watches Christian television every night. The house is filled with statues 
of saints and the Virgin Mary, the crucifix. He gets blind drunk. He sits 
there with his cigar and his booze, with his feet up on the chair, and he 
watches Paul and Jan. He is convinced, after watching the Catholics on that 
network, that he is on his way to heaven. When his son-in-law tries to 
witness to him, he points to the smiling priests and nuns on those 
Christian stations and says, "See? We're all Christians." I believe this 
man's blood is going to be on their hands. "

"Beloved, if you play footsies with the Vatican, you lose."

"We're in a war, beloved, and I thank God the Lord has directed us to 
prepare the ammunition you'll need from Chick Publications to give you 
back-up and background, and you'll know how to face the lost Roman 
Catholics after you've gone into prayer. Because, if you don't turn into a 
soulwinning church, the whore is going to have you and your grandchildren 
for breakfast. Have you already forgotten the screams that filled the night 
air in Paris during the St. Bartholomew massacre? Have you forgotten the 
little pregnant mothers tied to the tree branches, begging for mercy in 
Ireland while the dogs were fighting underneath for their unborn children? 
And the bloody knives in the hands of those smirking fanatics driven on by 
their priests to butcher these Christian ladies? Have you forgotten these 
bloodbaths that were quoted in Foxe's Book of Martyrs? The Vatican wants 
you to forget it. Have you forgotten what took place in Yugoslavia ... 
Catholic priests impaling children on stakes as they screamed in agony in 
1940? You better never forget it! And don't forget that it was at a time of 
peace, love and kindness just before each attack, just like today, beloved. 
And don't you forget one million Knights of Columbus in the United States 
have sworn to turn America into a papal state. God help us. You don't think 
it's coming here? You don't think history repeats itself? It's time to get 
sober and turn into spiritual soldiers, and start arming yourselves with 
the helmet of salvation and the shield of faith, and the sword of the 
Spirit, realizing the forces of darkness can be held back. "

"We're not Nazi's. We're not Ku Klux Klanners. We care about these people. 
But it's not the selfish, worldly love being taught so much today, that 
would rather watch them go to hell, than to risk offending them with the 

Enjoy... this should fill up dev.null.org for awhile...

Mike Farahbakhshian
AERA, Inc.
(703) 486-1993 x 126

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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