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psychoceramics: Fw: The Broken Cross

>Source:  Cutting Edge Ministries (http://www.cuttingedge.org)
>The Bent Cross Crucifix versus the Traditional Crucifix
><Picture: Pope John Paul II -- Bent Crucifix>
>Please notice the Crucifix that Pope John Paul II is holding up to
>the people, at left. Study it closely, and you will realize that it
>is not a Traditional Crucifix, as we show below. Rather, this
>Crucifix is known as a "Bent Cross". But, what does that mean? For
>the answer to that question, let us turn to a Roman Catholic author,
>Piers Compton, writing in his book, "The Broken Cross: Hidden Hand
>In the Vatican", Channel Islands, Neville Spearman, 1981.
>This Bent Crucifix is "... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in
>the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican
>Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a
>repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians
>and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the
>Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his
>successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up
>to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it
>stood for anti-Christ." (p. 72) On page 56 Compton prints a picture
>of the current Pope, John Paul II, holding this bent or broken
>cross, just as we have shown, at left.
>Therefore, Pope John Paul II is telling all the occultists the world
>over that he is not a Traditional Pope, but a Pope that is committed
>to carrying out the role of World Religious Leader as called for in
>the New World Order Plan. Another Roman Catholic author, Malachi
>Martin, makes this same claim - that Pope John Paul II is committed
>to the New World Order Plan in his book, "The Keys To This Blood".
>(see "Cutting Edge" review below)
><Picture: Crucifix>
>Since a picture is worth a thousand words, we have printed the
>Traditional Crucifix, to the right. As you can see, the cross here
>is not bent in any way, top or bottom. Further, the picture of Jesus
>Christ is a full figure without any kind of distortion or
>disfiguration! The Traditional Roman Catholic Crucifix is very, very
>different from the "Bent Cross", above.
>We Protestants have always objected to the Traditional Crucifix,
>because it holds Jesus Christ up to continual shame, which is
>forbidden in Hebrews 6:6. Indeed, this is the basis upon which we
>Protestants object to the entire Mass, but that is the subject of
>another article.
>As you can see, the Crucifix which Pope John Paul II is holding up
>to adoring crowds is not the Traditional Crucifx, but is the
>Satanic Bent, or Broken, Cross! This Bent Crucifix was created by
>Satanists to depict Antichrist and his Mark of the Beast! Very soon,
>you will see the appearance of a global leader, calling himself The
>Christ, who will claim to be Jesus Christ returned, the Jewish
>Messiah, and the Avatar figure for which all the major religions are
>awaiting, all in one man. This will be Antichrist. Then, very
>quickly thereafter, a global religious leader will step forward to
>aid the Antichrist; this religious leader will possess the same
>miraculous power of Antichrist. At this moment, the prophecy of
>Revelation 13:11-14 will be fulfilled; this global religious leader
>will be the Biblical False Prophet.
>The New World Order Plan calls for this global religious leader
>[False Prophet] to be the Roman Catholic Pope, and certainly, John
>Paul II's use of this Satanic Bent Cross is consistent with this
>part of the Plan. But, if it is Pope John Paul II who steps forth
>to aid The Christ [Antichrist], you will know the truth about this
>Pope and his entire Roman Catholic Church.
>You have been forewarned. A picture is worth a thousand words, and
>this Bent Cross picture labels Pope John Paul II.