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psychoceramics: Kooks query

(As a relative newcomer to this list, I hope you'll correct me if this is

I have a modest Kook-links web page (www.wolfenet.com/~elysium/kooks.html).
I've also been collecting kookish Usenet posts for a couple of years now,
and I've got a few hundred on disk. I'd like to make these available for
reading on my website, but I'm a bit concerned about the legality of
reproducing people's posts. I even have a few actual paper pages (the usual
tightly-spaced typewritten stuff that I get handed on the street now and
then) at home that I'd like to scan in and post, but again, same concern.

What do you think? (I'd be interested in comments on the web page, too!)


/...hell is boiling over and heaven is full. We're chained
  to the world and we all gotta pull../Tom Waits/
