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psychoceramics: [m--@m--.com] Coup Europa (fwd)

An Einstein-was-a-fraud rant, from the filamentary-fusion crank
"Millennium Twain".

 -- acb

-----Forwarded message from "M.Twain" <m--@m--.com>-----

  Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 19:16:58 +1200
  From: "M.Twain" <m--@m--.com>
  Reply-To: r--@h--.net
  Subject: Coup Europa
  Thought I had better send out a copy of this.  Before I get steamrolled.
  Re: Coup Deutsch
  Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 18:45:17 +1200
  I really can't answer you re: the details of the history of the Einstein
  fraud -- not in the detail you want.  None of my many files or books are
  at hand, and I need occasional reinforcement and reference when
  discussing such historical, technical and controversial issues.
  Let me give you a couple of data points, that I may not have already
  mentioned, to give you the flavor.
  The only reason the nitwit Einstein (scatterbrained, intuitive) got
  published is because Max Planck was the editor of the journal in
  question.  His stuff is nonsense, and full of mathematical, contextual,
  logical and phenomenological errors.  Planck was a darling of the
  money/power autocracy in Germany.  [Family connections to Siemens Corp.]
  As a young man he was posted to the local University as a full
  professor, over the ten times more accomplished (name forgotten) --
  OK.  Here's the dope.  Had to sort through Bruce's books to remind me of
  the names.
  -- associate professor Boltzmann was the man whom they slighted.  A
  decade or more qualifications, experience, depth and insight than the
  faker Planck.  They treated Boltzmann like trash, as he came from a
  common background.  Anyway, to make a long story short (try and find
  THIS in the physics texts) -- Boltzmann went into a several year
  depression and finally committed suicide.
  After Planck initiated the fraud of Einstein, another German physics
  figurehead (Helmholtz I believe) stood up and gave his complete
  endorsement to the Einstein counter-intelligence.  After that it became
  a European (not just German) steamroll of the easily led Amerikans.  [It
  is closely aligned with the Copenhagen interpretation, or coup, of
  quantum mechanics.]  This European fraud (to Amerika and the USSR and
  the rest of the world) successfully allowed Europe to defer public
  discussion of the structure of the electron, proton, neutron, atom and
  nucleus for the balance of the century.
  How's that for epoch-making!
-----End of forwarded message-----

"I have spoken to one cat, and to many.  And wherever I have gone,   www.zikzak
 my message is the same...  Dream it!  Dream the world. Not this     .net/~acb/
 pallid shadow of reality.  Dream the world the way it truly is."
		-- Neil Gaiman, _Dream of a Thousand Cats_