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psychoceramics: "The death-life law of nature"

The Death-Life Law of Nature, by Raymond W Maxwell Jr (1972)
Box 13897, Baden Station, St Louis MO 63147
Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 72-89360

This book came into my hands briefly, via a student who borrowed
it from a lecturer in psychology who had been sent the book by
Mr Maxwell. It's remarkably dispassionate. I didn't figure
out what the IN-ON-OUT 1-OUT 2 cycle is, or just what it is
that differentiates between life excess-death excess and
death excess-life excess consciousness, but in my experience,
when a book sets out to describe sexuality, politics,
religion, and society in general, normally one will find
that the author is a little agitated about *some* aspect
of life. This book reads to me as totally calm and objective.
Incomprehensible, but objective.


"In geological context, the animate is accelerated inanimation. 
With excessive accelerations, the animate reverts to the 
inanimate for natural balance." (p.IX)