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Re: psychoceramics: Summary - Texe Marrs latest newsletter

> From: Johannes Scmidt <r--@h--.com>
> >In a sidebar, Texe offers a $7 videotape expose on the hidden teachings
> >of British Zionism, and the conspiratorial plot against Princess Diana.
> >British Zionism?  Isn't that some kind of LaRouchian thing?  And what
> >about that little incident where all the British Jews were killed
> >in York in the 1100s?  How Zionistic can the place be?
> Ah, you're obviously not familiar with the real causes of the English 
> Civil War? Cromwell was paid off by a synagogue in Amsterdam and he 
> allowed Jews back into England (or so I read).
Zbodikins! But obviously Jews were let in SECRETLY before the war,
disguised as East Anglian marsh-drainage engineers, from whence they
acted as a fifth column. Once Cromwell had become Lord Protector, and
was thus untouchable, he legitimized this fait accompli!  
> As for British Zionism, are you sure you don't mean British Israelism? 
> This is the religious beleif that the English are the lost tribe of 
> Israel (no, I kid you not, it was very popular c. 100 years ago).
Um, as I recall the British were supposedly one of the tribes,
American Indians accounted for another few, and so on. I think the
extent of the British Empire (plus America) was supposed to indicate
that the globe had pretty much become (in some peculiar sense) Judaic,
and it was time for all the tribes to recongregate in Israel
and... well, probably something religious, only involving Jesus
because that's what the British guys who had this here theory were
into. To which end, missions were set up in England in order to
convert Jews to Christianity, who were then supposed to go to the Holy
Land and convert everyone else. They raised a fair amount of money in
their heyday, but were always struggling to get into double figures
for conversions per year.
This potted history comes off the top of my head, so I've probably got
all of it skewed. But what the hell.