The Null Device


Via ms45's Rocknerd journal, another free MP3 site: Two Zombies Later, a 2CD collection of lounge/exotica MP3s, complete with printable cover artwork.

comfort stand exotica lounge mp3s zombies 0

Rare Felt MP3s. Warning: some are in the RAR format (some proprietary Windows-only file compression system or something). (via someone in my 2nd degree on LJ)

felt indiepop mp3s 5

Crackers break into Linux source code server, attempt to trojan the Linux kernel, giving root privilege to processes. The attempt was caught, and even had it not been, it wouldn't have matched against Linus' separate copy of the kernel sources.

It makes you wonder who's behind it? A teenager with something to prove? Spackers laying the groundwork for the next generation of distributed spam-hosting/sending/DDOS servers? The Russian Mafiya/Shanghai Triads/Yakuza doing a spot of long-term strategic planning? Al-Qaeda? Maybe even our own intelligence agencies?

crackers crime linux security 2

Scenes from Howard's Australia: ABC censors Deepchild music video because of it containing a political statement condemning Australia's refugee policy. The ABC's transformation from an independent alternative voice into an inoffensive soma-holiday for Relaxed and Comfortable Australia seems to be well advanced.

abc australia censorship politics refugees 2