The Null Device


The face of Internet activism in the new millennium: Dismayed by all the bad press the net gets, a young user decides to use it for good, and launches a grass-roots campaign to get people to buy lots of CDs by boy-band Nsync, thus making the world a better place, and giving something back to the boys at the same time. Somebody should probably email young JRTs_Angel_00 and tell ver about the ugly realities of the recording industry, that the great bulk of the money will probably go to pay for the recording company bosses' cocaine and high-priced hookers and that the boys of Nsync would be financially better off working at McDonalds.


Good news on the upcoming-film front, with confirmation that Terry Gilliam will be directing and writing Good Omens.


Tanya Headon is back, and in fine form, mercilessly eviscerating James Brown from every angle and then proceeding to trash the Stone Roses' Fool's Gold. Everybody needs a dose of hate in their life from time to time; and if you're a record-collecting trainspotter, you could do far worse.